
Selecting a Signature Drink


Signature Drinks are a really fun way to add a little something extra to your big day. When it comes to selecting a winning cocktail here some guidelines to help steer you in the right direction

🍸 Is This Personal?

If you hate whiskey, don’t make your signature drink a Manhattan. Does Bacardi Razz give you flashbacks of clutching to a toilet seat in the bathroom of a college dorm?(because, same) So maybe a Rum Punch isn’t the right selection. The point is, your signature drink should be personal to you and your partner. I once had a bride make her signature drink a Corona Light with lime - she made a cute sign for it and everything. It was a huge hit because everyone at the wedding knew that was what she loved to drink. The point is - stick to what you like and keep to what you know.

🍸 How Seasoned Are You?

White Peach Sangria is delightful, but I sure as sh*t wouldn’t think to drink one in the middle of March. Think about the time of year you are getting married, especially if you are looking to incorporate fresh ingredients, seasonal is key.

🍸 But Did You Dye?

All of your bridesmaids are wearing purple? Is your wedding on St Patty’s day? Blue is your favorite color? Wouldn’t it be cool to use food coloring in your signature drink to match the theme?? Absolutely not. The answer is no, no it would not be cool. Unless you want your guests walking around with a green tongue in all of your wedding photos. Or worse, your cousin's girlfriend who you didn’t even want to invite spills one and the dye stains her Rent the Runway Badgley Mischka gown - you will neverrrrr hear the end of that. If you want a colorful drink, use a recipe that requires a liquour with a hue. Think Blue Curaçao or Midori, maybe even a splash of chambord if you are feeling really fancy. But food coloring is an absolute hard no.

🍸 Who In The Sh*t Is Actually Going To Make This?

Unless you are getting married at a magical all inclusive beachfront resort - no one is blending pina coladas at your wedding. Next.

🍸 What’s In A Name?

Mary Me Mojito? Cosmopoli-Dan? I love a “punny’ signature drink name - I’m actually a pro at it. Give your signature a really fun name that will delight your guests. And if you need help - shoot me a DM, I got you.